My library overfloweth!
As part of the clearing away of clutter/making space challenge on Shannon's blog, I decided to read more this year and thus purge my library in the process. This lead to visiting reading/book blogs and what I discovered was some reading challenges for 2010.
Reading is a pasion for me - but usually through the school year I limit my reading to education texts and magazines.
This year I want more reading for me, so I am signing on for the following challenges:
(I will be able to combine books read to several of the challenges - but it still means reading at least one book a week!)
A. . To Be Read 2010

With this challenge you must post 12 books you already have, that you want to have read for over 6 months (lots of those!)
Here is my list:
1. Lovely Bones (Sebold)
2. Time Traveller's Wife
3. The Hours (Cunningham)
4. The Swallows of Kabul (Khadra)
5. Frenchwomen Don't Get Fat
6. Knit Two (Jacobs)
7. The Thirteenth Tale (Guiliano)
8. Unless (Shields)
9. Suite Francaise (Nemrovsky)
10. Deafening (Itani)
11. Break No Bones (Reichs)
12. Three Cups of Tea (Mortenson)
You can also have an alternate list. Here's mine:
1. Life of Pi (Martel)
2. Three Day Road (Boyden)
3. The Year of Magical Thinking (Didion)
4. Lord John, Private Matters (Gabaldon)
5. Serendipity Road (De Vrie)
6. A Voice of Reflection (Gzowski)
7. A Thousand Splendid Suns (Hosseini)
8. The Tenth Circle (Picoult)
9. Extraordinary Evil (Coloroso)
10. Lucky Man (Fox)
11. A Mighty Heart (Pearl)
12. The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (Smith)

The goal is to read one book (at least) a week for 52 weeks. The rules are very simple:
The challenge will run from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.Participants may join at any time.All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2010.Books may overlap other challenges.

How does this reading challenge work? Choose the option that works best for you...
Authors -- Read alphabetically by author. Commit to 26 books.
Titles -- Read alphabetically by title. Commit to 26 books.
Authors & Titles -- Commit to reading 52 books
Authors -- Read alphabetically by author. Commit to 26 books.
Titles -- Read alphabetically by title. Commit to 26 books.
Authors & Titles -- Commit to reading 52 books
D. Twenty Ten

It is being hosted by Bart over at Bart's Bookshelf.. The idea is to read 20 books that fit into 10 categories in 2010
Read 2 books from each category, making a requirement of 20 books total.
Each book can only qualify for one category.
Crossovers with other challenges are allowed.
Here are the categories:
1). Young Adult
2). T.B.R.**
3). Shiny & New
4). Bad Blogger's
5). Charity
6). New in 2010
7). Older Than You
8). Win! Win!
9). Who Are You Again?
10). Up To You!
1 comment:
I love this! Reading challenges! I'm going to take a look and see if one of these will work for me.
Thanks for visiting my blog, too. I appreciate it and look forward to your art and reading journeys this year.
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