Hearts and Flowers:

This past week several blogs I visited really stressed the need to play at one's art, to have fun.
Today's focus allowed me to do just that.
I first played with acrylic paints. The term blot painting, blotto art, and even blotter art have all referred to this process.
Creating blots with paint is something I have always done with children. A simple process really - fold a sheet of paper, drop or squirt different colours of paint on the paper, refold the paper and spread the paint around. No two blots are ever the same and you never know what will emerge.
(I used this process for one of the "Wreck This Journal" pages last year. Great fun!)
I used two different types of acrylic paint but wasn't as happy with the first as it was thicker and really didn't blend or spread.
The second blot I made with a more liquid paint (folk art paint) and used a bit too much paint but I did like the effect in the end.
The third blot began with much less paint and then I kept adding until I was reasonably satisfied.
I plan to use these as backgrounds for a new project - The Deck of Me. (See here for more information. Sounds like it will be a fun project.)
Block Printing
I have not used lino blocks to print but would love to take a course to study printmaking in depth.
I usually use syrofoam - plates and trays to do simple printmaking with children. I created a couple of simple designs to show this process. I do enjoy seeing an image appear from a block that I have carved.
I created more ATCs this weekend as well. I signed up for a large number of swaps and now I am trying to get them done asap.
Hearts and Flowers:
Hi Beverly,
I discovered your blog through the Create Every Day links and I really love your art and the techniques you are sharing here! It has been a long time since I've made "art blots" - never really thought about incorporating them into my adult artwork before - but I absolutely LOVE the idea and am going to make a note to try that soon! I signed up to Follow as I am looking forward to your future posts!
Hope you'll come visit me at Create With Joy when you have a moment - would be thrilled to have you on board as a Kindred Spirit!
Have a Creative Week!
Ramona :-)
I like the second inkblot the best, but I'm looking forward to seeing how they all turn into a personal deck. What a neat idea!
I use linoleum to make block prints, it's actually easier than I thought it would be and so much fun. You might like to try making eraser prints. You just buy plain erasers and cut them with a speedball cutter, then you can print them off a standard inkpad. It's totally addictive. I look forward to reading more about your creative process through the Creative Every Day Challenge!
Hi, Bev!
Saw your link at Creative Everyday. Love your blots and the block printing. I've always wanted to try block printing and now just might give it a go!
Happy creating!
Found you via creative every day.
Love your blotting pictures and your rose ATC's are beautiful. My children did a kids ATC swap last year and I did a couple of grown up ones, but I'm feeling inspired now and may need to get myself organised again :)
The blob paintings are lovely, as are the hearts and flowers pieces.
Love the blots, especially the second one and will definitely try them myself. I also love the valentine ATC's. I have a thing for pink roses - actually pink in general - right now. Your shadow shots are really interesting too.
The One World One Heart looks like a great idea. Thanks for putting me onto it. You really travel around and find some neat blogs, I don't spend that much time on the computer so I don't find that stuff. I was thinking about the the deck of cards too. I have to get centered first I feel so scattered at the moment. Take care.
Wow what a talented creative to use all medium to play! Especially love your roses and the block printings. Well Done! :)
I love coming by your wonderful blog to learn about new ways to express creativity through art. Really cool and innovative.
Love the variety - and the ATC's are really cute!
Thank you all so much for stopping by and leaving such supportive comments. I will be visiting you!
Take care and have a great week.
What a lovely creative blog this is. I think it's such a shame that as adults many of us abandon any creative pursuits and yet I think it's very therapeutic. Besides, why should just children have all the fun! :)
found you on CED! I love finding inspiring new blogs like yours!
Lovely ATCs
Blessings, peace, and love!
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