I have been fighting with my computer the past few days. 3 times yesterday i finally just pulled the plug and then left it over night to stew! Today I had to restore to an earlier date but it is still not fight. I have lost icons (date.security/internet info usually on the bottom right and can't seem to restore those. Grr!
So, Sunday's wrap-up is on Monday.
This past week has been a busy one - writing wise. It also resulted in a number of firsts!
Weekly Firsts
I hired an editor for my first editing of 2 of my novels. I should hear by the end of next week what her recommendations are.
I took part in my first ever twitter Pitch party - through the Women's Fiction Writers Association on Jan. 31. I had to pitch my novel "Love Has No Age" to see if agents were interested.
one was!
My first ever request from an agent for one of my novels! I submitted a query and the first 50 pages for consideration.
I am not sure how long I have to wait.
I also submitted my first non-fiction piece for a contest with the CBC - a 1200+ piece entitle "Third's the Charm".
I also submitted my first children's story for a holiday writing contest for "Highlight's".
It was a busy week trying to get all the writing revised, edited and in proper form. Now comes the waiting!
February Calendar
I completed February calendar for Kathryn's wheel (check my previous post)
29 Faces
My daily art for February will be creating 29 Faces. Faces have always been a challenge for me, so thought this would be a fun challenge.
Feb. 1 and 2 - This was an art activity I always did with my classes - Cut a face in half and draw the other half.
Feb. 3 This time I chose a face and then gessoed it and drew over it.
Journal 52
I have been enjoying the prompts from
Journal 52.
Last week was "Building character"
This coming week it is abstract - the suggestion was to drop paint and draw around shapes. This was a fun exercise. I need to do more drawing on it though - not quite done.
I had to catch up on a few ATC swaps.
Linking with
Creative Every Day
Inspire Me Monday