October begins a new challenge - 31 Days of Change. The Nester has held this monthly daily challenge for several years now and I decided to join in the fun with hundreds of others.
The challenge is to choose a topic that you want to explore and write every day for 31 days.
I am chosing to explore joy. It was my one word of the year and I have made lists, created art and looked for it, but never consistently. I want to look for joy in the everyday and create a response, whether in words, art or photos each day in October. Hopefully the habit will continue!
With retirement has come a loss of everyday purpose, of routine, of stature even. I want to recapture more joy on a daily basis and some of the routine and sense of purpose I used to have.
I love this definition of joy from Sherman Nobles:
"Joy is an abiding sense of happiness! It’s a bright, sunshine-filled emotional pattern of happiness—the Tigger-syndrome. Though there might be moments or seasons of sadness, even these are tempered with a confident expectation that the sun will soon return piercing the darkness caused by the passing clouds. Joyful people are typically happy. They smile and laugh a lot. Joy is the result of hope, faith, and love! "