Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Wishcasting Wednesday

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday Weekly Wrap-Up
This week I worked on cards for two swaps:
Backgrounds done mostly with acrylic paint

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Book Monday

This past week has been dominated by the "Hunger Games" trilogy by Suzanne Collins. It has been quite a while since I have been obsessed with reading a series. But it has also been a week when I had more time to read, and read I did!
Thursday I was home as I had had a fall at work and was seeing the doctor that day. (Other than aches and pains, I was okay). I started the first book, "The Hunger Games" on the bus to the doctors and almost missed my stop. By the time I got home, I was hooked. I read all afternoon and finished it that night.
Friday I returned to school and was able to borrow only the second book "Catching Fire." Again I was caught up in the story and did something I haven't done in a long time - read til done at 3 in the morning.
Saturday we went to Chapters as I had to have the 3rd book "Mockingjay". Again I started reading right away and read til I finished at 1 in the morning.
I found the characters intriguing, the new world chilling and the whole trilogy extremely well written. For me, good fantasy and science fiction novels are all about the imagination and the creation of new worlds that draw you into them. "Harry Potter" did that and now the "Hunger Games" has done that. Of course, I am now eagerly awaiting the movie - comes out March 23!
This week I also read "We all Fall Down" by Eric Walters, another young adult novel. It had been recommended by a former student so thought I would read it. Again, a very well written novel. It gave a very different view of 9/11.
Sunday Weekly Wrap-up

I will be working on more the next few days as well.
I have decided to work through Patti Digh's "Life is a Verb" through Effy's Book of Days course (free!). The courses I am working on have been both challenging and rewarding.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Wishcasting Wednesday

There is so much strife, killing, inequality, fear and unhappiness. Every day there is news of war and riots and killing. I am always struck by the lack of respect, equality and peace around the world. Two few have too much and flaunt it. Too many have too little and suffer for it.
I would wish that those few with so much would share their millions with the poor and displaced of the world. I would wish that all people would co-exist with respect and sharing.
I would wish that there could be a transformation in how we live.
All religions have a form of the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It is time we all follow that rule!
As Jamie says:
"You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog. Support wishes by visiting other participants. It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together."
Be sure to vist other wishcasters here.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Book Monday

I am also reading:
There are so many good books to read! I hope to tackle quite a few from my shelves this year.
Any suggestions??
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Sunday Weekly Wrap Up

Mixed media mandalas
I am working on others as well for a swap that involved asking others to create a card for my 60th. I received so many lovely cards. I still have a few to make in return but here are a few samples of some I have created for these special artists.
To create is a blessing. Art has been a saviour many times in my life, none more so than lately. It has helped me to get back on track, to push through the shadows of pain and the blues. It feels good to be back.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Shadow Shot Sunday - Back again!
It has been a while since I participated in Shadow Shot Sunday. I still look for shadows - it is a compulsion! But I have had an extended rest from blogging. I have missed the interactions with other bloggers the most, but needed this time away. I am slowly going to return to challenges I have so enjoyed in the past.
Thought I would share first some ATCs of shadows I created last year.
Love this shot of the rowers with the shadow over them, at Tampa.
Some greenery at Cozumel, when we were there on our cruise.
Be sure to check the world of shadows here!