Today Jamie Ridler has asked a very interesting question for "Wishcasting Wednesday:
What do you wish to make progress on?
The wishes the past few weeks have focused me on what I want to achieve this summer. This question turns that around a bit. I really want to make progress in a number of areas:
health - we have started swimming this week at our local outdoor pool. I can't believe how out of shape I am/ It will take a few weeks to get back the ability to swim lengths. But I will see progress if I keep going. I am determined to go back to school in September fitter and at least another 10 pounds lighter.
art/creativity - I am trying to create every day in July. There are so many challenges to take part in and they are pushing me to make art everyday. I am also taking part in a group working through "the Artist's Way". I hope I will see progress in the discipline of working every day and a development of skills.
clutter/organization - I am determined to make progress in downsizing both my teaching materials and books and in the house in general. I am starting to make progress in my backroom aka art studio. By the end of July I want to be creating upstairs!
As Jamie says:
"You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog . Support wishes by visiting other participants. It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together."
Oh, decluttering and downsizing is one of those things that is so hard to do, but so worth it! As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also...
You are making magic with these wishes dear one! I feel it! As you wish for yourself so I wish for you as well!
I remember when I first started swimming laps again and I was getting lapped by these two older men (who I would come to see all the time at the pool when I went on my lunch break) and I felt so out of shape. it passes if you stick with it and you'll feel so proud of yourself.
As you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also.
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.
You seem to be determent! Happy Summer to you!
Wow... busy bee!!
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.
That's a great list--nice and well rounded! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well.
These are all great wishes. As Bev wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
That sounds like a great plan. I have missed you too. Thanks for your supportive comment. I have been doing a bit in the art journal too.
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.
Wonderful list of wishes! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!!
Oh that's a wonderful and well-rounded list!
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also :)
Energy is moving and the creative process is taking a cool role in your life this summer.
As Bev wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Wonderful magical wishes! May you progress beautifully! As you wish for yourself, I also wish for you!
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