Time to share artistic endeavours from this past week. I joined in two more challenges and had fun with both. As well, I worked more on Chapter 1 of the Artist's Way.
The Artist's Way

Then I did the tints of red - I loved the colours created.

I also created a small abstract using red, gold and a bit of blue. Really enjoyed this. I'd like to try a bigger piece next.

Inspiration AvenueI have seen this challenge site a few times but hadn't participated. When I saw the theme was Picasso, I knew I wanted to take part.
This couple I based on my husband and myself - note the beard, not in the original!

The Artist's Way
Paula of "Happy Snappy" is leading a group of us in working through the Artist's Way. I much prefer this slower pace. The past 2 weeks we have focused on Chapter 1.
Rereading it this time, I was struck with the affirmations more this time and less on the negatives.
I chose these affirmations to hold onto when those negative beliefs rear up:
I am willing to learn to let myself be creative.
I am allowed to nurture my artist.
Creativity is the creator's will for me.
I am still not writing morning papers every day but I recognize the need for it. When I do, I really feel the negativity being released.
My artist's date this week was by accident. I had to wait for my husband to pick me up downtown and as I wandered around the block, I discovered a new gallery. I had a lovely talk with the owner and she stated that she is always looking for new artists. I loved many of the pieces there and fell in love with, and bought, a gorgeous ornate cross necklace. I will return, maybe with some of my own art.
I did several of the exercises - champions, enemies, imaginary lives and they proved interesting, if a bit of a challenge.
I am looking forward to Chapter 2.
Summer of Colour / GPP #53Exploring colour through the "Summer of Color" has been fun and a learning experience. This week red was the focus. It is one of my favourite colours.
I completed a colour collage with pictures from magazines:

Then I did the tints of red - I loved the colours created.

Michelle Ward's GPP #53 challenge was termed "Mad Scientist and I have been creating colours through the "Summer of Colour". This week I took one of the pinks I created and named it primrose pink:

Inspiration AvenueI have seen this challenge site a few times but hadn't participated. When I saw the theme was Picasso, I knew I wanted to take part.
The flowers are one of my favourite Picasso pieces. All through university I had this work on my wall.
This couple I based on my husband and myself - note the beard, not in the original!

This week flowers and skies were my favourite subjects once again.

During my walk downtown, I got a shot of the river.
During my walk downtown, I got a shot of the river.
Bev, it in incredible to watch you grow as an artist. I love all of the pieces that you shared with us this week.
Remember every little bit helps. Just keep writing and it will get longer eventually.
wow! you have been busy ~ Love your work ~ am visiting from Creative Everyday ~ Hope you will come visit my blogs listed there ~ they are Share the Creative Journey and A Creative Harbor ~ namaste, Carol ^_^
Bev - thanks for playing along in the crusade! Love seeing your tints of red, and your named selection Primrose Pink. Looks like each one of those hues could be found in the rose photo at the beginning of the post!
Wow! You are busy, busy, busy! Wonderful! Great job with everything you've been working on. And what serendipity with that artist date!! How exciting. Definitely bring some of your art along with you next visit to that shop!
Wow, you're doing so much in the way of exploring your creativity! Very nice work - all of it!! How perfect that your Artist Date came to you! I was just reading the next chapter tonight and she's talking all about how this kind of thing will start happening and that it's Creator rushing in to open the way for us, since we're showing initiative by doing these exercises. Looks like Creator is totally hearing your affirmations! Keep going. You're doing awesome! I'll bet if you just gave yourself permission to do only 1/2 page of Morning Pages, you'd get to filling up the 3 pages in no time, without even trying.
Fabulous post. Thanks for sharing so much.
Great abstract painting!
love all that you have been doing...you have been so so busy...xxx
You've been very productive. My favourite piece is your full moon dreamboard.
Looking great - love your primerose pink!
Terrific post, love your Summer of Red pieces and thank you for sharing. Annette x
Primrose Pink - what a cute name for colour!
Oh, I love seeing all that you are up to! Your Red collages are so much fun - and your red paint swatches are fabulous. I love your story too - and YES do bring your art into the gallery - and let us know what happens ;) xo
I loved what you shared; fun post!
Collages are so fun today; love your red one~
Lovely pinks and reds - great post!
YOu've been busy accomplishing a lot. Great work!
Beautiful works Beverley! looks like you've been busy creating gorgeous art :)
Wow! Such a delicious amount of beauty! So many different aspects of your expression.
Thanks for linking to my blog. This slower pace project is working a treat. :)
Nice work! I love the page of reds and the red/gold/black piece is wonderful too. Thanks for sharing.
So many wonderful creations, I really like your abstract.
Very inspiring work you made. Love the primrose color mix.
Boy you've been busy. Love the portrait of the two of you. Enjoy your Primrose Pink.
Looks like you've been busy alright!Lovely abstract piece and your color mix is very well done. Halas, I agree with you it is too late now we have to suffer :)
Nice post thankyou for sharing with us.
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