Today at Jamie Ridler Studio, Jamie asks us:
What step do you wish to take?
As I thought about this question, I realized that I had been taking many tiny steps this year, often nervously - starting this blog, taking part in ATC swaps, trying to lose weight and get healthy, among other things.
It has not always been a steady uphill climb - many times it was a step forward and 2 back.
But I do see myself now moving forward and I feel it is time to step out with more confidence and embrace that which I want to achieve:
*more art
*daily writing
*daily movement
So here is to bigger, bolder steps! There is so much to see, do, create! I want to study more, find a mentor, create daily.
The bigggest step I wish to take will come in the New Year - to open an Etsy shop! There I said it - now I am committed!!
Be sure to check out the other wish makers and give them your support here. As Jamie says:
"You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. Support wishes by visiting other participants. There is great power in wishing together."
As you wish so I wish for you! Here's to confidence!
As Beverly Baird wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Wishing you success in your new venture
blessings for abundance
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Enjoy the journey.
as beverly wishes for herself, so i wish for her also!
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.. I am right there with you , my wishes are very similiar.
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Yayayyyyy..I have loved watching your journey this year hon..I have loved you being there for me! I am so excited about the Etsy shop..can't wait to see!!
Hugs, Sarah
As Beverly wishes for herself, I wish for her as well...
Looking forward to the Etsy shop! :)
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her!
Your Etsy shop will be awesome!! Go for it!
Ohhhh we are SO on the same page today! Go for it!
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her too!
Wow, what are you going to put in your Etsy shop? I'm excited to know. I haven't even considered that at this point. Yeah, for you! Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. Funny how it changed all of a sudden and many of the people are just not blogging at the moment. But like Rose said, things go in cycles.
Take care, I guess your c date is coming up very soon, good luck with that.
As you wish for yourself, i wish for you also!
Thank you all for stopping by. It means a lot to hear your wishes for my success! They really do help!
Take care.
As Beverly Baird wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Welcome to the world of Etsy!
As Beverly wishes for herself, I so lovingly wish this for her also.
To be being bolder!!
As you wish, so I wish for you also... {{{hugs}}}
As Bunny wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! :)
May your etsy ship be a thriving success! Look how much you have accomplished already!! :)
As Beverly wishes for herself so I wish for her also.
Enjoy the journey one step at a time.
I wish for you that your wishes come true!
Yes I hear you.I have such similar wishes to yours, wanting an Etsy some time soon, making more art, moving my body more, feels kinda tight, and finding a mentor. I feel that so far has been granted, my art teacher at the moment fulfills that role, she has really guided me to see where I want to go to find my style as such, so we will see where that takes me, need to trust in myself more and the process. Happy wishing, anything is possible!
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