Once again it is ABC Wednesday. Another week to focus on a letter and find something to represent it. While driving last week it was barns that seemed to jump out to be photographed. There is something about their rustic, weathered nature that appeals to me.
C is for Cows (Belties actually!)
As I will be away for a week or so I thought I would get a jump on next week. So "C is for Cows - in this case the belties I discovered in North Carolina. These adorable animals have a white band around their middles - hence the nickname "beltie". I had to buy a little stuffed one for remembrance! 
Be sure to check out the other participants at ABC Wednesday!
It´s always nice to see pics from different places. Thanks.
Those cows are funny! :-D
Cows fit very well with barns, so that should work out all right!
Love cows and barns. I've never heard of belties, the are very cute. I am just a sucker for animals and there's something about rustic barns/buildings that are very alluring.
Enjoy your trip!
Great choice. I should have tought of it with all the barns around here. The belties are very cute.
I like the cows, they are called 'Lakenvelders' (sheet fielders because it looks as if they've got a sheet over their back) over in the Netherlands, although they are not as furry over here!
Love photos of barns and I've never heard of belties before, so I learned something new today. Thanks...enjoyed your post and have a good time wherever you'll be in the next couple of weeks.
Barns are such wonderful B's sadly not many round my parts.
Oh, ahead of the curve. You can post in the future in Blogger, BTW, by scheduling for the date you want.
Thanks everyone for stopping by. I hope everyone has a great week.
Roger: I find I am still learning here - not sure yet how to do that!
I like the barns and the cows. Barns draw my eye as well (especially the tumble-down ones) but I'm usually too lazy to stop the car and take a photo.
Nice barns. Great shots!
The cows are cute!
Those are cute cows! And clever of you to sneak a 'C' in for next week!
Nice barns!
The Belties are so different. I have not heard of them before. Thanks for the introduction.
Thanks so much for your kind words. I really am enjoying this challenge and the new friends here.
Have a great week everyone!
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