Today at Jamie Ridler's Studio, it is once again Wishcasting Wednesday and Jamie asks :
What do you wish to say NO to?
A very interesting question! I would much rather say "yes" to new things. But, as I have been reading "The Artist's Way" with Paula's group, saying no to negative affirmations is a constant theme. It is so important to say no to those voices that tell you you can't do it, or you're not an artist, or you will fail. So, I want to say no to those internal voices and replace them with positive affirmations.
I also want to say no to negative emotions that can drag you down: guilt, fear, and especially worry. Focusing on each day and looking at the positive will help banish those negative emotions.
I want to say no to procrastination and wasting time, and to clutter.
Last week, we arrived home from our vacation to find that Jack Layton had died. He had lost his battle to cancer too early. As someone said, he was the greatest prime minister we never had. As I listened to the wonderful eulogies at his funeral, I heard many of his words of wisdom.
"Don't wait for perfect conditions - you can wait forever. Make the best with what you have."
"Always have a dream that is longer than a lifetime."
"Be loving, be hopeful, be optimistic."
"Make time for what matters most."
"Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done."
"Dream no small dreams."
So, for this last wish, I want to say no to dreaming small dreams. I look at Jack and at 61, he lived every moment to the fullest. His was a life well lived. What a wonderful role model!
As Jamie says:
You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog. Support wishes by visiting other participants. It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together.