Today at Wishcasting Wednesday, Jamie of Jamie Ridler Studios, asks us another penetrating question:
How Do You Wish to Come Out of Your Shell?
I have never been one to seek the limelight, to want attention directed my way. I am usually uncomfortable being recognized.
But as I get older, I am becoming more comfortable in my own skin and less worried about what others think of me.
I wish to come out from under the shell imposed by myself so many years ago - the shell of insecurity, of fear, of uncertainty.
As Jamie says:
"You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog . Support wishes by visiting other participants. It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together."
Visit other great wishcasters here.
2 hours ago
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I have some of your fears also. Here's to banishing them.
As you wish this for yourself, I too wish it for you.
I'm battling with the same fear too.
I have come to the point in my life where I tell myself I don't care what others think, but down deep I still do. It's a hard one to work past.
What you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.
As you wish , I wish for you, too.
Fear can be paralyzing and limiting. I am so happy that you are stepping from it. Have a peaceful day.
I identify with you comments, and have a similar wish. As you wish for yourself, I also wish for you.
as Beverly wishes for herself, i wish for her also.
Such a great wish!
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
I have a feeling that you deserve all the recognition that you have earned and more. I am glad that you are becoming more comfortable with who you are and will soon be able to enjoy the recognition you deserve. As Bev wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.
That is a tough shell to break out of, but I know you can do it! Setting the wish and saying it out loud is a great step!
As Bev wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.
As you wish so I wish for you!
I know you can do it. As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Beverly wishes for herself, I so wish for her as well.
As Bev wishes for herself I so lovingly wish this for her also. xx
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