Be sure to visit the other great participants of SSS at Hey Harriet!
I will take a break for a few weeks to start another challenge. Come January I plan an art/artist alphabet challenge. Each week I will focus on a different medium or artist and create artwork related to that letter. This will be a whole year project as there are so many choices for some letters. This will also be a learning project as well - a chance to explore different artists and different techniques. I am really looking forward to it. I will post monthly what I plan to focus on and I invite you to join my project. We can learn and have fun together.
Sundays I will post what I have been working on the week before -Sun. Jan. 3 will be the first posting with the focus on Abstract Art.
Another project for the year will be the 52 Books in 52 weeks which I described here. If you love reading you might want to take part!
Have a great week!