Today is Wishcast Wednesday and Jamie Ridler (of Jamie Ridler Studios) has posed, once again, a very thoughtful question:
What do you wish to give?
Several months ago I participated in the 29 Days of Giving challenge (see my post here) and I found it very rewarding. Even though I don't do it consistently every day now, I still am on the lookout for ways that I can continue to give, whether it is financially, emotionally or just with my time. When you look for it, there are so many ways to give. So many articles I have been reading lately really stress the benefits of giving, and not just of things.
So my wish would be to continue to give of myself, of my time, of my resources, of my talents -but to give more regularly, on a daily basis.
As Jamie says:
"You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. Support wishes by visiting other participants and leaving a comment It’s that simple. There is great power in wishing together."
So visit the other wishcasters here and share in the power of sharing and wishing!
Beverley, that is a beautiful and selfless wish. I'm so sure it will be granted!
In the meantime, though ...
As Beverley wishes for herself, so I wish for her. May her talents and generosity continue to unfold in the coming year.
Hi Beverley,
As Beverley wishes for herself, I wish for her also. As a retired teacher I want to thank you for all that you give to each and everyone of your students everyday. You are making a difference in the lives of the children you teach each day. Have a wonderful holiday.
~as beverly wishes to continue her giving all of herself so i wish for her too...brightest blessings~
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.. May it be.
As Beverly wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
As Beverley wishes for herself so I too wish for her as well:)
School is now done for 2 weeks and I can get a bit more time here! Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate your kind wishes for me!
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