Yes I know - it is Friday, but I discovered this new meme through Karen D.'s blog and thought it a chance to have some fun.
Magpie Girl asks us:
"What do you do during this season to make it through the darkness? How do you fight S.A.D.? What parts of the season can you embrace with honesty? What *8Things do you enjoy in the dark? (Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.)"
We have not really gotten into the dreariest part of winter (in fact it is not officially winter here until the 21st!), but the question can help prepare for those long dark days of February!
The 8 Things I enjoy in the dark and that help me through the winter are:
1. Cuddling - under warm comforters, wrapped up in afghans.
2. Reading - There are so many books - I am currently reading "Julia/Julie", "Still Alice" and "A Stroke of Insight" right now, and have just finished several Christmas novels.
3. Creating - This year there are so many challenges to take part in and it is fun to just play and create.
4. Listening to music and singing along
5. Watching a good movie
6. Playing card and board games - My favourites are euchre, scrabble, boggle, and Scattegories. But, I'll play most any game even if I don't know how to play it. Just teach me!
7. Make cookies, serve with hot chocolate and combine with some of the above.
8. If you can't beat it get outside for some winter fun - skate, throw snowballs, make snowmen or snow angels. Engjoy the beauty of the white stuff and embrace the cold.
Check here for other list makers.
Great list Beverly, especially love the go outside and play, I forgot that one on my list!
Wonderful list and ideas! Thanks for sharing with us. I looooove MagPie Girl's *8 Things series, too -- she another inspiring blogger -- so glad to have met you all!
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