This week we were to focus on "treats" as we worked on The Next Chapter -The Joy Diet.
This was actually an easy one to incorporate as I really needed treats this week and I found lots.
I was able to create (created more ATCs and had fun with photograpy), have treats (especially chocolate), read, watch TV (my fav. -So You Think You Can Dance Canada finale!), buying used books at the 50% sale at the thrift shop, have the craft club at school for Grade 4s, celebrate Hallowe'en at school, dance to Thriller with my class several times!!
Taking photos yesterday coming home from school was a definite treat. I usually don't have my camera with me at school but I did as I was taking photos of the children's costumes. It was late, as I had been cleaning desks and looking for work to mark, so as I drove home I noticed the setting sun and the beautiful sky. I just had to stop and get some photos! Talk about a treat for the soul!
I had been feeling sick most of the week but those treats really boosted my spirits. (I wrote earlier about my hubby's cancer scare - he is still not out of the woods)
I also had the Day of the Dead project to write about - that was a great project. See here.