Friday, April 10, 2020

A to Z April Blogging Challenge

Today's letter is I for the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
I for Inspire, Inspiration. So many things can inspire us - nature, beautiful music, stirring speeches, special people.
I have always been inspired by art, music, the sea., fascinating books.

I is for Inspire


lindamaycurry said...

I have just discovered your blog and have enjoyed your colourful, inspiring posters. Did you make them on the computer or paint them? I'm afraid my creativity is sadly lacking. Apart from my A to Z serial, I am doing a bit of gardening (hacking back the bushes) and my sewing is limited to one face mask. Still, I am supporting my husband who is recovering from an operation and am delighted when he has a good day (like today).

Anonymous said...

This week we began our self-analysis by taking the AMA DISC Personality Survey (TM) to establish a personal baseline for our work in the course. Your full results will be filed in the Dropbox by the end of Week 2. See Doc Sharing for the report format. Please comment here on any perceptions or conclusions you wish to share with the class at this point. What does this work mean to you? Did you recognize the person described in the DISC results. CARD 548 FULL COURSE LATEST

Mya said...

This is a great post, thanks