Monday, December 3, 2018

Jane Austen Book Club Challenge 2019

        Jane Austen Book Club Challenge 2019

I hate to admit this but I have not finished any Jane Austen novel. I know, I know. Sacrilege.
But I plan to change that in 2019, by reading at least 6 of her novels as well as,  at least 6 novels inspired by Jane Austen.
From January to June I plan to read one Austen novel a month and from August to December, a Jane Austen inspired novel a month.

*This challenge will run from January 1 to December 31, 2019
*Just sign up in the comment section (This is a very low-key challenge after all!)
*You make your own plan, and choose your own novels.
*There are no levels, no required reading. The novels should be Jane Austen’s or inspired by her.
*Overlap with other challenges as you are able
*You don’t need to have a blog to participate.

At the end of each month, I plan to have a check-in where you can share what you’ve read and your progress with the challenge.

Here are some links to Jane Austen and Jane Austen inspired books:

List of Jane Austen inspired novels at Goodreads

I hope you join with me for this challenge

What goal would you set?


Jennifer Jones said...

I love this challenge and will definitely join you. I'm an avid reader and belong to two Bookclub's but have to admit that the only Jane Austin I've trade is Pride and Prejudice. When we visited her house in Bath, I felt inspired to read more of her but life got in the way. Thanks to your challenge the time has come to do it

Jennifer Jones said...

I did mean to say I came to your blog via #MLSTL Will be sharing on SM

Jo Tracey said...

I've read all her books - multiple times - they never get old. When we visited Bath and Lyme Regis a couple of years ago I really felt as though we were walking in her shoes. Good luck with your challenge. #MLSTL

Beverley Baird said...

Thanks for stopping by. It ould be great having you along for the journey.

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond said...

I love Jane Austen however, I haven't read all of her books. I would love to join you on this challenge in 2019. Thank you for sharing with us at #MLSTL and I'm off to dust off my JA books now.
Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

Leanne said...

What a great challenge! Our daughter is a high school English teacher and loves Jane Austen and all her novels. I've tried reading them a few times and just get bogged down I'm afraid. I might have to stick to watching the movies and mini-series of her work as my limit I'm afraid.
MLSTL - I've shared this on my SM :)

Beverley Baird said...

Thanks ladies! I know the feeling Leanne. I've started Pride and Prejudice so many times - but I am deternmined to read her books this time!

Bethany @ Happily Loco said...

I can't commit to a challenge, but I do love Jane Austin! Enjoy your reading!


kalpana goyal jaipur said...
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Tabby said...

Think I might give this a try. Way behind on reading Austen works. Think my goal will be at least six, though I might read more. Will share progress on my Twitter which I linked to my name on here.

Annette said...

I'm signing up to read at least 3.

Becky said...
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Becky said...

I'm signing up to read twelve books. My post about the challenge:

Beverley Baird said...

Welcome ladies! Looking forward to finally reading Jane Austen. Now will have support along the way! Thanks for joining.

Unknown said...

I love this challenge, I had read Jane Austen books in university. This goes well with the 50 book challenge I am doing for 2019.

Allison said...

I've been meaning to reread Austen's novels for a year or so now. This will be a nice way of encouraging me to do so! I'm in. Link to challenge page on my blog is here:

Red 5 said...

Count me in for this Challenge. Will definitely attempt to read a few this year!
Happy Reading!

Ashleigh Meikle said...

Will be giving this one a go this year - have several in mind!

Andi said...

I haven't read any Jane Austen ... though I have some. This will be interesting.

Joel @ I Would Rather Be Reading said...

I am a huge Austen fan, and I love the idea of this challenge. I'm going to attempt to read her main novels in order. This should be a lot of fun!

Sherry Jolly said...

Jane is my favorite! I definitely need to re-read a couple of her novels in 2019!

Jeanine Byers said...

Joining late but planning to read Jane Austen right along with you. Is there a specific day to check in? Or a hashtag?

Julie @ Smiling Shelves said...

I was already planning to reread Jane's novels this year by listening to them on audio, so this challenge is perfect! I'm in!

Unknown said...

Sign me up! I want to read "Pride & Prejudice", "Emma" and "Sense & sensibility" before the year is up. I'm done loving this author's work in remakes, without having actually read her novels.

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

Hi! I'm a bit late in joining, but I was planning to re-read some of Austen's works this year anyway, so why not join the challenge. Btw, I found you through the Smiling Shelves blog. :)

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

Hi, just checking to see if this is still an active challenge since there hasn't been any check-in posts done? I just finished Henry Tilney's Diary for those interested. It was quite charming.

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