Monday, May 28, 2012

Slice of Life Tuesday - a wee bit of a rant!

Rant alert!

Today the grade 3s began their EQAO assessments - these are the tests for all grade 3s and 6s in Ontario. It means 3 days of 2 -1 hour tests, in math, reading and writing.

No matter the reading level of the children, they must work independently with no help at all in reading, although questions can be read in math.  I have 2 little boys who are reading at grade 1 level and are in the process of being identified, but they must still write this #%$*## test!

One girl who is identified LD and uses assistive technology was a bit more successful, but she was so drained that by the afternoon she had a major temper tantrum and ran out of the building.

I have done these tests for over 15 years - my youngest who is 24 did the first one way back when it was 2 weeks! He received Level 1s and 2s and called himself stupid for months afterwards.

The worst comment I have received was "But you're a teacher, you're supposed to help". (and I still hear that every year)
Politics does not belong in the classroom and that is what this test is - a political tool to assess teachers.
I will be so glad for Wed. afternoon when we can celebrate that everyone is done and did their best.

Sorry - had to get it out.

Be sure to check here for other slices of life.


Mandy said...

We have that in Australia too...its called NAPLAN ...a piece if crap they say to help the department of ed recognise what schools need what help causes stress on the teachers...stress on the kids ...and gives kudos to the schools who score well...for the lead up to there tests in may the teachers know for example that there will be a the kids do narratives fir almost half the year...teaching just for the naplan ...its crazy....and then as a parent getting the scores and the kids looks and yep...think they're dumb...what is wrong with the rant over

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

In grade 3 - I kept my daughter home for the days of the tests. I was not the only one. I just knew it would be toooooo stressful for her. Can they not stay home (providing there is some place for the kids to be)?

Ruth Ayres said...

Standardized tests are frustrating...especially when politicians seem to be infatuated by them!

Emma said...

You just get that rubbish out! These tests are everywhere & they surely just tick boxes. Anyway, my 'baby' just left school today havig finished his last exams of his last year! We'll get to go to prize giving to see him receive back his Head Boy badge, such proud parents ;)

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

Thank you for your post. I am giving up on the meetings. I love what I am doing - but do not love the rest of it. It is not worth it anymore. I can benefit by doing art more. Thanks.

Chris said...

My family always knows when state tests start at my school. I'm usually a total mess, as I'm forced to watch my developing readers face an impossible test.

I have a terrible habit of telling my kids "the tests try to trick you - see if you can outsmart them!" I wish we could all agree on appropriate assessments and giving kids time to develop.

Linda B said...

I'm so sorry it has to be this way. If only... we could wave a magic wand & have it all disappear. I used to tell my own children (who did only the old basic tests of long ago) that the tests tried to trick too, as Chris mentions, & that they are only for certain kinds of information. What a joke they are.