It is once again Wishcast Wednesday and Jamie (of Jamie Ridler Studios) asks a very probing question:
What do you wish to acknowledge yourself for?
As I thought about this question, I realized that just the act of moving forward, of trying, of perservering is worth acknowledging.
I have come out of a dark place and feel that , although grief will always be there, it is s no longer the smothering cloak it was last year.
I am pusrsuing new dreams, even as I get closer to 60! You are never too old to dream and pursue those dreams.
I continue to love, even through pain. Love is the only answer.
I love Jamie's image. Yes, we need to celebrate ourselves.
Yah ME !
Yah Wishcaster Friends!
Be sure to check out the other Wishcasters at Jamie's Studio.
As Beverley Baird wishes for herself, so do I, Peaceole, wish for her also.
You are so never ever too old to dream. The spirit in us wants us to dream!
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
Yay you! Yay to celebrating our selves and always daring to dream!
PS And I'm so glad you like the picture. I made it myself :)
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
Oh hon...huge hugs first of all!! And then big YAYAYAYAY's to you!! Namaste, Sarah
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
May your heart continue to lighten.
Can you hear me clapping? Can you feel me hugging you? Can you?
Oh, how wonderful, not the smothering cloak...that is wonderful.
Welcome to your new life, Bunny's Girl!
As Beverly acknowledges about herself, so I lovingly acknowledge about her, also!
Yay YOU!
As Beverly so joyously acknowledges herself so too do I acknowledge Beverly :) May all of your dreams come true!!!
This is absolutely beautiful. I am so happy that you were able to find your way of the darkness.
As Beverly wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
As Beverly wishes to acknowledge about herself, so I, Carmen wish to acknowledge with her.
As Beverly wishes to acknowledge about herself, so I wish to acknowledge about her also.
You are an inspiration!
As Beverly wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also for persevering and continuing to dream big.
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
Cheers for making it through to the other side.
Hi Beverly,
Every age is young! It's only our thoughts that age us. I wish for you to continue dancing into a light place, the place where your dreams live.
Giulietta the Muse
As Beverly wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
I love your bravery, loving thru the pain.
Yay you indeed.
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
As Beverly acknowledged her strength, so I acknowledge her strength...you go girl!
As Bev wishes to acknowledge about herself, so I wish to acknowledge with her.
AS Bev wishes to acknowledge herself, I do so as well! It is NEVER too late to explore dreams, good for you!
Thank you all for your so kind wishes!
May all your wishes be fulfilled!
YES!! Love IS the only answer
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also
The mantle is tossed and your spirit SHIMMERS! You are beautiful!
(ok... I kept mis-typing your name to be "Believerly"... I'm keeping it in!!!)
As "Believerly" wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish and believe in her also! :D
You are very courageous and I applaud you for pursuing dreams even though you are nearly 60. You have many years ahead of you to have a creative, happy, loving life in spite of the grief. Celebrate every day!
Yay to you and for all that is unfolding!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaviing a comment!
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also. (and I might wish this one for me too)
As Beverley wishes to acknowledge herself, so I wish to acknowledge her also.
so very wonderful!
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