Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sky Watch Friday and other Photo Challenges

We are into our second day of fall and the weather is lovely, with blue skies with wispy, intriguing clouds

Visit here to see wonderful skies from around the world.

Other Photo Challenges

I love peacock feathers - for the colour, the size, the intricacy. A student gave these to me many years ago after a visit to an exotic farm.

Shared with:

"Little Things Thursday", where we share those t\little things that mean so much.


"Theme Thursday", where the theme is feathers.

Thursday Challenge
The theme this week at Thursday Challenge is "Sun"
Here are some of my favourite sunsets.


Karen said...

Love the wispy clouds and your sunsets are stunning.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very pretty skies!! Have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful skies !

Kim said...

Love those feathers and the evening skies. Magnificent.