Tuesday, September 15, 2015

ABC Wednesday - J and WOYWW

This week at ABC Wednesday, J is the letter of the week.

J is for junk mail - in just a few days I had a pile of it!

I used an old envelope for the background, cut out words and images and created a simple collage from the junk mail.


Each week, Julia Dunnit at "Stamping Ground" encourages us to join in and share our work spaces.

I tend to work on collages on my dining room table. Here is what it looked like when I had finished my junk mail collage:


Unknown said...

We get junkmail to... wich i always throw away rightaway ;-)

But for creative people like you, there is a challenge... wishing you lots of fun with more to come.

Lovely and surprising entry for this week!!

Have a nice abc-week and day
♫ Mel☺dy ♫ (abc-w-team)

Roger Owen Green said...

I still get more than my fair share, especially in election season.

photowannabe said...

Junk Mail can seem to reproduce like rabbits.
I like your alternative to just tossing it.

Gigi Ann said...

I'm guilty of never looking at my Junk mail. I just tear it in pieces and in the Junk can it goes.

Nonnie said...

I love what you did with your junk mail. I have done some of that, but I've neglected that creative side of myself. There's tomorrow's mail- if I will just remember!

Photo Cache said...

Such a good post. Although, kidding aside, I miss receiving all those junk mails, aka catalogs.


Ann said...

Mine goes straight to recycle.

Ira said...

You are so creative! I am amonst the ones who throw it away without a glance, but you inspire me...

Ira said...

You are so creative! I am amonst the ones who throw it away without a glance, but you inspire me...

Ingrid said...

As long as you don't use your junk mail to write anonymous letters, it is OK, lol !

ABC Wednesday Team

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Great way to reuse all that junk mail, Bev! Have a creative week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #38

Hildred said...

\I must pay more attention to my junk mail (which now I just throw away). Very creative!

Unknown said...

I am a collage junkie! but have not yet attacked the mail. Thanks for the inspiration!
-Lizzie #54

Leslie: said...

It seems like that's all we ever get nowadays because of email. Oh well, it saves on stamps.

abcw team

Su-sieee! Mac said...

My junk mail isn't as colorful as yours. :-) Very cool collage.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

Julia Dunnit said...

Clever idea, I save the brightly coloured stuff for my mum to cut about, but hadn't thought to use it myself! And despite that cutting, you keep your table tidy don't you!