Tuesday, October 14, 2014

ABC Wednesday - N

This week at ABC Wednesday, the letter of focus is N

N is for Anais Nin (1903-77)
From Wikipedia:
"AnaΓ―s Nin was an author born to Spanish-Cuban parents in France, where she was also raised. She spent some time in Spain and Cuba but lived most of her life in the United States where she became an established author."

Be sure to visit here to see how others tackle N.


Trubes said...

Anais Nin,
Certainly made some most profound statements,
This is one I particularly related to:
'Age does not protect you from love
But love to some extent, protects you from age.'(love age project)
Thank you for sharing you thoughts with us,

best wishes,
Abcw team.

Powell River Books said...

The title is so true. I don't write professionally, but journal constantly. I think some day reading my "books" will bring back good memories. - Margy

Roger Owen Green said...

I should know more about her!