Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas !

Monday, December 19, 2011
Multitudes on Monday

Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday Weekly Wrap-Up

Saturday, December 17, 2011
Shadow Shot Sunday
This little angel was a fundraiser for a local business and I couldn't resist the faint shadow she cast.
This last shot was taken before I put on the flash - I like this shot though of our old cat cast in darkness.
Be sure to check here for awesome shadow shots from around the world.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Book Challenges for 2012, Part 2

I’ve been trying to incorporate more Canadian writing into my 2012 reading list so I’ve decided to spotlight winners of Canadian literary prize.
I’ve chosen what I think are the most heralded of Canadian book honours: the Governor-General’s Award for Literature and the Giller Prize. Because the Giller hasn’t been around all that long, I’ve added in the prestigious Canadian Authors’ Association Literary Award. I’ve picked the main fiction category in all of those.
In addition, the Amazon.ca (formerly Books in Canada) First Novel Award is widely-known and, over the years, has brought to the forefront many who have become major players in Canadian literature.
Finally, I can’t host this challenge and not promote my adopted home, Nova Scotia, so I’m also drawing attention to the Atlantic Book Awards’ Thomas Head Raddall Atlantic Fiction Prize.
Here’s the scoop on the ways you can enter:
Toe-dipper: one book from the list of award winners of each of “main” prizes: the Governor-General’s Award, the Giller Prize, and the CAA Prize. (Total 3 books)
Chance-taker: one book from each of the “main” lists plus one from the Amazon.ca First Novel Award winners. (Total 4 books)
Bluenoser: One book from each of the “main” lists plus one from the Atlantic Book Award winners. (Total 4 books)
CanLit Lover: one book from each of the five lists. (Total 5 books)
Here’s a list of the prize winners:
Governor-General’s Award for Literature
Canadian Authors Association Award for Fiction
Thomas Head Raddall Atlantic Fiction Prize
Be sure to check here for more information.
6. Mystery & Suspense Challenge 2012
I thoroughly enjoy a good mystery. I have read all of Sue Grafton books (except for the last which I am sure is under the tree!), most of Kathy Reichs and am just beginning reading Louise Penny's.
I am choosing the first level and so plan to read 12 books for the year - one a month.
Welcome to the Mystery & Suspense Challenge 2012! I didn't do very well this year (again!) even though it is my own challenge, but I hope to do better this in 2012. However, it seems many of you did very well, so congratulations for completing the challenge. For those of you who were more like me, here's your chance to beat this challenge!
Challenge Details
• Timeline: 01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012
• Rules: There are TWO LEVELS you can choose from:- Read TWELVE (12) mystery & suspense novels in 2012 - Read TWENTY FOUR (24) mystery & suspense novels in 2012
• You don't have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront you can change them, nothing is set in stone! The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.
• You can join at anytime. All books read in 2012 count towards the challenge regardless of when you sign up.
• At the beginning of Jan 2012, you will find a link to specific month to add your reviews.
• Audiobooks do not count, but all other formats are accepted.
• This challenge can crossover to other challenges.
• At the beginning of Jan 2012, you will find a link to add your reviews.
• You don't have to have a blog to join in - for those without a blog justFILL IN THIS FORM and I will add you to the list - just join the discussion in the comments section to let us know when you've read a book and what you thought of it! :)
• You can choose from the numerous sub-genres of mystery and suspense, from cosy mysteries such as Agatha Christie to the more hard-boiled kind like V I Warshawski by Sara Paretsky, or romantic suspense written by the likes of Linda Howard, forensic crime such as those written by Kathy Reichs and even paranormal/supernatural suspense such as Kelley Armstrong. I'm sure this challenge will have something for everyone! :)
To help you figure out and decide, I have updated a sub-genre list - to view this list go HERE.
For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.
7. Illustrated Year 2012 in Picture Books
As a teacher I am always on the lookout for good picture books that can inspire children to write and to think. This challenge is a natural fit.
I plan to select Level 3 and read 24 picture books during the year.
A few of us participated in my picture book reading challenge during 2011. I had a fun time with it and wanted to give it another try. I love picture books, and was collecting them long before I became an elementary librarian. Sometimes it's the story, sometimes the illustrations, and a lot of the time it's the fun of reading them out loud to kids that makes picture books so enjoyable. I thought it would be fun to create a reading challenge for this shorter, though just as entertaining, genre. Picture books are a great way to share stories and the experience of reading with children. If you're reading the books with kids, I encourage you to add their opinion of the books as well! I love the way the family at Bookie Woogie reviews books. That being said, not all picture books are for children. Picture books for older audiences are also welcome.
I will be using the thumbnail inLinkz form for participants to link their monthly reviews to. This way we can see the books you've reviewed!
To Sign Up
· IF YOU BLOG: Please make a post on your blog about participating in the challenge. Then use the URL for your CHALLENGE POST when signing up using the inLinkz below. IF YOU DO NOT BLOG: Please link to your GoodReads, Library Thing, or similar profile.
· You must add the button to your sidebar - make sure that it links back to this post so others can join the challenge if they wish. Just copy and past the code displayed below!
The Details
· Timeline: January 1, 2012- December 31, 2012
· Select your level:
Level 1 - Read 12 picture books
Level 2 - Read 16 picture books
Level 3 - Read 24 picture books
· You don't have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. If you do list your books in the beginning, you can always change them later on.
· Crossovers with other challenges count.
· Digital books count
· Re-reads count as long as you read them in 2012 and you post a new review for the book.
· You can join anytime
Be sure to check the post here for more information.
8. Young Adult Reading Challenge
There are so many good young adult novels and I do read these for my class. Another good fit.
I am aiming for the first level - 12 books for the year. (I hope to read more though.
Challenge 2012 Young Adult Reading Challenge
January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012
The Rules:
Anyone can join.
You don't need a blog to participate.
Non-Bloggers: Post your list of books in the comment section of the wrap-up post on Jamie's blog.
Audio, eBooks, paper, re-reads all count.
No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.
There are four levels:
The Mini YA Reading Challenge – Read 12 Young Adult novels.
The "Fun Size" YA Reading Challenge – Read 20 Young Adult novels.
The Jumbo Size YA Reading Challenge – Read 40 Young Adult novels.
The Mega size YA Reading Challenge – Read 50+ Young Adult novels.
For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.
I know, I know - it does seem like a lot of reading and a lot of challenges. But this past year, I really did miss reading. I did not read what I had hoped. The "Off the Shelf" challenge will provide a lot of the titles for the other challenges - so there will be overlap.
Check out here for a great overview of hundreds of book challenges.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wishcasting Wednesday

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Exciting Book Challenges
1. Off the Shelf:

What It’s All About
Do you love books? Do you love them so much your to be read list seems to keep growing, and growing, and growing? Is space on your bookshelf taken up with unread books? Is your eBook library burgeoning with unread stories? We’ve been there at BA and we still are!
The Deets
The Main Rule: Do not include books acquired during 2012, it defeats the purpose, read those books from before 2012 started!
Running Dates: 1st of January – 31st of December 2012
When Can I Sign Up: All the way up to the last two weeks of December!
Crossover Genres: Anything! The name of the game is to turn those unread books into read ones.
Mr Linky: To use the Mr Linky you’ll need to click on the graphic then enter your link. These will be updated and posted into this page every couple of weeks or so.
Further Details: Crossover challenges are fine, you can change levels at any time, this is eBook, short story, and graphic novel friendly, and you don’t need a blog to join in (read further for details).
The How To
Choose Your Level:These are listed further down and you can change levels at any time.
Grab The Badge: Place it somewhere on your blog, profile, or in a signature where possible and link back (main page or this page, it’s up to you).
Sign Up Post: Create a post on your blog, in a group, or on a forum (only if allowed) to let others see what you’re aiming for (a predefined list of books is optional).
Link Up: Grab the direct URL to your sign up post, not your blog, click the Mr Linky graphic and enter your link!
Blogless? Don’t worry, you can sign up with your social network profile (YouTube, Twitter, GoodReads, Shelfari included), just make sure you link to your review list, shelf, tweet, or category. If you don’t have any of those feel free to comment!
Your Reviews: Reviewing is optional! But if you do review we’d love for you to share them by submitting them on the Review Page (including social networks).
Finished: When you’re done it’s completion post time and you can share these on the Completion Post page!
Challenge Levels
Tempted– Choose 5 books to read
Trying – Choose 15 books to read
Making A Dint – Choose 30 books to read
On A Roll – Choose 50 books to read
Flying Off – Choose 75 books to read
Hoarder – Choose between 76-135 books to read
Buried – Choose between 136-200 books to read
For more information and to sign-up, please check this post.
2. Non-Fiction Non-Memoir
This may be the only way I will achieve a Master's degree (lol), so I am aiming high on this one!

I've decided to host a challenge to motivate myself and others to read more nonfiction. To make it more of a challenge, the Non-Fiction Non-Memoir Reading Challenge will exclude memoirs, which seem to be the most read type of nonfiction among the book blogs I follow. Instead, we'll focus on learning about a variety of different topics and discovering new facts. The challenge will run from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.
What Counts:
- Books can be any format (bound, ebook, audio) but must be written for adults or young adults.
- Books can cover many different topics, including science, technology, religion, sociology, business, biography, politics, economics, history, food, art/design, etc.- How-to, self-help and travel books are permitted, as long as you actual read them cover to cover, and don't just use them as a reference.
- Crossovers with other challenges are permitted.
What Does Not Count:
- Reference books, cookbooks and instruction manuals that are not meant to be read cover to cover
- Essays and articles
- How-to, self-help or travel books that are not read cover to cover
- Memoirs, journals and autobiographies
- Books written for children
- Re-reads don't count since the point is to learn something new
Elementary - 5 nonfiction books
Diploma - 10 nonfiction books
Bachelor's Degree - 15 nonfiction books
Master's Degree - 25 nonfiction books
Details:- Write a starting post that states which level you will be working toward, including a link back to this post. You can include a list of books, but it is not required. Link to your post in the Linky below.- If you don't have a blog, leave your information in the comments on this post.- Reviews are not required, but I will have a post set up where you can link up to your reviews throughout the year.- There will be quarterly update posts to which you can link up, and at least one giveaway at the end of the year. I may host others throughout the year as well. [Note to authors: I'll gladly accept your nonfiction books as giveaways.]- A wrap-up post at the end of the year will be required to be considered for the final giveaway. If you don't have a blog, you'll need to comment on the wrap-up post with your accomplishments.- You can sign up for this challenge through November 30, 2012.This is my first time hosting a year-long challenge so please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions! And here's a button to grab for your sidebar.
For more information and to sign-up, please check post here.
3. Book 2 Movie Reading Challenge
I love the idea of this challenge. Most of the time I read the book before I watch the movie.
Here are my choices so far:
1. Movie is more famous than the book: "Time Traveller's Wife"
2. to a TV series: "Jane Eyre"
3. Main characters are animals: "Silverwing" by Ken Oppel
4. with favourite actress: "Julie and Julia"
5. book classic made into a movie after 1990 : "Emma"
6. book written for the movie: "I am Number 4"
7. from an author not of your home country: ?
8. about love and you'll probably cry: ?
9. social issue: "The Help"
10. story from over a 100 years ago: "The Pillars of the Earth"
11. playing in Asia/Africa or future: "Memoirs of a Geisha"
12. movie coming out in 2012: "The Hunger Games"

The goal for this challenge is to read a book/ watch a movie in each of the 12 categories, which are further down, during the year of 2012 (01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012) + 1 bonus category, if someone can’t find a book in one of the 12 categories..
This means: 12 books + movies in 12 months, as a result 1 book/ 1 movie per month. (Book can be read/ movie can already been watched – but just one of each)
You want to join?:Then please write me an e-mail to: martina.bookaholic@gmx.net with your book choices with the category #number and your blog address and the name, which I should use in this post.
Check this post for more information.
4. Memorable Memoirs
I love memoirs and this challenge looks perfect.
I am aiming for: the Autobiographer level.
The 2012 Memorable Memoirs Reading Challenge (Jan.1-Dec. 31. 2012)
It's back again for the 3rd year! If you love memoirs or if you simply want to add more memoirs into your reading life, then the 2012 Memorable Memoirs Reading Challenge is for you!
What Counts as A Memoir?I know there's a difference between memoir and autobiography, but for this challenge, we're going to define memoir as a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation.
Published letters, diaries, journals, autobiographies, nonfiction books on the craft of writing memoirs ... in my book, they all count as Memorable Memoirs for this challenge. (Generally, biographies don't, but I could always be convinced.)
The Rules:Books, e-books, audiobooks, ARCs, NetGalley books are allowed.
Overlaps with other challenges are also allowed.
Re-reads are allowed.No need to create a list of books in advance (but if you want to, please feel free!)
You don't need a blog to participate.
You must select a level. You can increase your level, but you can't go back down.
The Dates:January 1 - December 31, 2012. You can sign up anytime between now and throughout 2012.
The Levels (new this year!)
Diarist: read 1-4 memoirs
Autobiographer: read 5-9 memoirs
Memoirist: read 10+ memoirs.
For more information and to sign-up please see this post.
Check here for a huge overview of hundreds of book challenges. It is a fantastic resource.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Multitudes on Monday

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Shadow Shot Sunday
Monday, December 5, 2011
Multitudes on Monday

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday Weekly Wrap-Up

I took part in the "Heart Exchange" through Louise Gale's blog. What a lovely experience. We each had a partner for whom we made something from our heart to theirs. I received a gorgeous heart book from Jenna. What a thoughtful gift - one that I am going to use to inspire me in 2012!
(thanks so much Jenna and Louise!)
Planning for 2012
There is so much available to help in planning for 2012.
I just signed up for Ali Edwards "One Little Word 2012" online course, which will run all year. I have been choosing a word to help guide me with intention throughout the new year for a couple of years.

For 4 weeks in December, at "Myles Ahead", you can start a weekly process of visioning for the year ahead.
The 100 questions exercise was very interesting and has resulted in 10 questions/themes I hope to pursue in 2012.
Reverb 2011 has begun again, although through a different organizer than last year.

With all three of these groups, the primary goal has been to choose a word of intention for 2012. I made a preliminary list of 20 words and have finally chosen my word. Actually, it is one small phrase, as it encompasses so much of what I want 2012 to be.
I turn 60 in early January and so begins a a new decade, one that I want to be healthy, eventful, and exciting.
The phrase is "Seize each day" from the Latin "Carpe Diem". (A fellow teacher has this as her license plate and I always feel it deep inside when I see it.) It can mean so much. I hope it forces me to reach out and do more and see more.
The 2 ATCs I created above hold 2 quotes that very much fit this phrase.