There are way too many TBR books on my shelves and in some boxes in the basement. I really need to read more or give them away! So, I've decided to take part in this challenge, hosted at
"My Reader's Block" and get as many of my TBR books read as possible.
I hope to read 52 books - a book a week: therefore I hope to achieve at least Mt. Ararat
Challenge Levels:
Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancouver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR piles/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s
The Rules:
*Once you choose your challenge level, you are locked in for at least that many books. If you find that you're on a mountain-climbing roll and want to tackle a taller mountain, then you are certainly welcome to upgrade. All books counted for lower mountains carry over towards the new peak.
*Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2019.
*You may sign up anytime from now until November 1st, 2019.
*Books must be owned by you prior to January 1, 2019. No library books~. If you're looking for a library book challenge or one that counts books on your non-owned TBR list, then please see my new Virtual Mount TBR Challenge (click the link).
~The ONLY exception to the library rule: If you own the book in any form and have a valid reason to check out a version from the library instead, then you may count it. I have, in the last couple years, allowed this when individuals have made requests. For example--if you own the hard copy, but are planning on taking a trip where listening to the audio version would be a great way to knock out a book while you drive, then by all means check out the audio version and have a wonderful trip! Please check with me if you wonder whether a library substitution is acceptable.
*REVISED REREAD RULE: Any reread may count, regardless of how long you've owned it prior to 2019, provided you have not read it in last five years (my arbitrary time limit) and have not counted it for a previous Mount TBR Challenge.
* Audiobooks and E-books may count if they are yours and they are one of your primary sources of backlogged books.]
*You may count any "currently reading" book that you begin prior to January 1--provided that you had 50% or more of the book left to finish when January 1 rolled around. I will trust you all on that. The only exception to this rule is if you have participated in Mount TBR the previous year and were unable to finish the book in time for the Final Check-in Post. Then--if you finish the book post-January 1, you may count it as your first step of the new challenge.
*You may count "Did Not Finish" books provided they meet your own standard for such things, you do not plan to ever finish it, and you move it off your mountain [give it away, sell it, etc. OR remove it from your e-resources]. For example, my personal rule (unless it's a very short book) is to give a book at least 100 pages. If I decide I just can't finish it and won't ever, then off the mountain it goes and I count it as a victory--the stack is smaller!
*Books may be used to count for other challenges as well.
They are looking more for the Doha Escorts Service than alternate decent varieties. They long to connect with the individuals who are advanced and tasteful.
So glad to welcome another Bev to the 2019 climbing crew! Good luck with your mountain.
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