Sunday, September 6, 2009


September's theme at Creative Every Day is Inspiration.

Leah asks us some very thoughtful questions:

What inspires you?

What lights your inner fire?

She answers these questions through a description of a number of things that inspire her. I have used some of her headings to share my own inspirations:

Nature: Nature is always inspiring - water, sky, flowers, animals, rock formations. All these speak to me in different ways, at different times.

Books: I just finished reading "The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young. I was blown away by it.
I am currently reading:
-"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It is an exploration of her search for meaning, through Italy, India and Indonesia. I am enjoying it very much.
- "Julie & Julia" by Julie Powell. Just getting into the beginning but enjoying it so far.
- "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. Had joined a group to explore it but am off-track!

I just bought the book "The Book of Negroes" by Lawrence Hill. This book was chosen for "One community, One Book", through our local community and there are a number of events coming up to highlight this book.

Writing/Blogs: There are so many awesome writers - check out my sidebar for some of these great blogs.
One I check out regularly for her inspirational photos and quotes is Sylvia. Her latest "Need Washing?" was such a touching, memorable story!

Today (syncronicity in practice!) I found this reference by Teesha Moore to an article by Wayne Dyer on how to let inspiration in and 12 steps to a simpler life.

Inspiration Journal: I keep an inspiration journal and it holds quotes, poetry, inspiring words from magazines, books or newspapers. I am on my 4th book.

Music, family and friends, art - these all provide inspiration. If you just look around you, there is inspiration all around. You just have to look!

1 comment:

Leone said...

Thank you for sharing the Needs Washing story, I am going to put it in the next new letter.

Loved, loved, loved, Eat Pray Love. I hope you enjoy it.

You always have such positive posts and such good ideas.

I guess you start school in a couple of days, hope you have a great class and get lots of inspration from all those young minds.