Wednesday, September 26, 2018

ABC Wednesday - L is Lighthouse

This week at ABC Wednesday, L is the star.

L is for Lighthouse. There is something special about a lighthouse - that its light pierces the night and fog and protects those on the water. Throughout the Maritimes there are numerous lighthouses still operating and more that are being protected.

Check here for The best lighthouses in the Maritimes!

Here's my carved stamp and art card for L.

Check here to see what others around the world have done for L.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

ABC Wednesday - J is for JOY

This week at ABC Wednesday, the letter to focus on is J.

J is for Joy - may we all have joy at our centre.

Be sure to check here to see what others around the world do for J.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

ABC Wednesday -I is for Igloo

This week at ABC Wednesday, I is the letter of focus.

I is for igloo - the winter structure built from snow blocks by the Inuit.

It is an amazing feat of ingenuity - to create a warm abode from snow and ice, and usually in a relatively short time. Inuit  still use igloos when hunting.

Here's a fascinating video showing how an igloo is built.

Check here to see  what others around the world did for I.