Tuesday, March 24, 2015

ABC Wednesday -K and WOYWW

Today is time to share our letter of the week choice for "ABC Wednesday" - which is letter K.

K is for kitchen utensils.

I did not want to use our kitchen utensils, so I went shopping for some yesterday.And then this morning I had fun using them for printmaking. See if you can tell what I used for what making what marks.


I am continuing working on my printmaking course and am really enjoying it. Using kitchen utensils was just a side project for ABC Wednesday.

I used the backgrounds I had made last week for this project.

Join in the fun at "Stamping Ground" - check out work tables from all over the world.Lots of creativity abounds!

Also linking with:

Express Your Creativity

Paint Party Friday


Linda B said...

Very neat, Beverley. I always love your prints, & these are so creative, again!

Reader Wil said...

What a great idea to use kitchen utensils for decoration! Very inventive.
Thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday.
Wil, ABCW Team

orneryswife said...

Oooh! I need some of those utensils! I can sure think of some great uses for them with my gelli-plate! :)

Anonymous said...

Very creative Bev. Please drop by to my blog.

I was actually stuck with the K.

I did manage to think a wee bit more. Came up with some painting background.

My first time to enter on the A.b.C site.

Jan said...

Great space Happy WOYWW xx Jan 61

J said...

Ha,ha, great idea for the kitchen potato masher, I'd probably get more use out of it in my craft room seeing I'm not the cook in our house.
Jan S. No 49

Lisca said...

That certainly is a creative way of using kitchen utensils. Very original!
Have a great week,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the prints. Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 42

Anonymous said...

I have a set of cookie cutters that my kids used to cut the playdough

Roger Owen Green said...

kitchen art, indeed! like it.

Kate Robertson said...


Fantastic prints you made. Thanks for linking.


Giggles said...

Great idea....I have always used what's in my midst...

Hugs Giggles

Lorraine said...

great fun

Linda Kunsman said...

fab prints Beverly! And if you're lucky enough to have $ stores around you can get any number of kitchen utensils cheap:)

Trubes said...

How inventive Beverly.
I shall try this when my grandchildren visit, they love doing artwork, and Grandma isn't really creative, now I shall be able to visit your site for ideas!
Thank you for sharing your most original arty designs with us.

Best wishes,

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

These are SO cool! I didn't know you could get such artistic prints from kitchen utensils. Happy Belated PPF and EYC!

bellefrogworks said...

What a terrific way to use kitchen utensils without having to actually cook (LOL)

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Beautiful work.